OriCell™ Energy Isotonic

Why muscle fatigue & soreness after exercise?
When we are performing exercises, blood glucose & muscle glycogen are the primary fuels used to produce ATP (energy). The higher the intensity or time of exercises, the production of ATP are slower than it consumes, therefore, there is a loss of minerals (calcium) through respiration and sweating, resulting in muscle soreness and aching.
What is OriCell™ Energy Isotonic?
OriCell™ Energy Isotonic is a healthy isotonic drink that instantly replenish you with energy & strength after a sweaty session & provides you endurance & stamina during workouts. You can also consume after your workout if you need help with muscle pain recovery or injury.
This product also helpful for those who are experiencing muscle loss due to sedentary lifestyle, insufficient calorie & protein intake, inflammation and stress, especially the elderly.
OriCell™ Energy Isotonic gives you the fizz & fuss feeling with refreshing passion & lemon fruit taste!
Did you know that muscle loss may impact your health?
Physically inactive people can lose as much as 3% to 5% of their muscle mass each decade after age 30. Even if you are active, you’ll still have some muscle loss. Most men will lose about 30% of their muscle mass during their lifetimes. This limits their ability to perform many routine activities.
Losing too much muscle can directly impact your mobility, strength and energy levels, immune system, and even organ function.

4 Core Ingredients

Blue Green Algae
Complete nutrients to support muscles strength & increase bone strength as it contains high vitamin & minerals
- Suitable for weak muscle/ digestion individuals
- Combination of Spirulina & Chlorella containing ≥60% protein & 8-12% phycocyanin (antioxidants)
- Contains 9 essential amino acids that the body can’t produce
- Prolong onset time of feeling fatigue
- Increase fat oxidation rate

BCAA (Branched-chain amino acid)
Comprises of 3 types essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine & valine for exercise that must be obtained from food. BCAAs are used as efficient energy source for muscles, minimise muscle protein breakdown during exercise.
- Suitable for active athletes
- Support muscle protein synthesis
- Decrease muscle fatigue and alleviate muscle soreness
- Speed up recovery from exercise
- Improve sport performance

Is commonly used for maintaining muscle mass by reducing muscle protein breakdown & stimulate muscle protein synthesis.
- Suitable for preworkout
- Maintain lean muscle
- Improve muscle recovery after exercise or injury
- Improve strength & stability

Is an important amino acid that helps to transport long-chain fatty acid into mitochondria to produce more energy for muscle movement, reduce the build-up of lactic acid in muscle & decrease muscle fatigue after exercise.
- Suitable for the elderly or low stamina individuals
- Production of energy
- Decrease muscle fatigue and alleviate muscle soreness
- Speed up recovery from exercise

Can, OriCell™ Energy Isotonic is made up of 100% natural ingredients without any added refined sugar. However, diabetics patient may need to consult your doctor before taking any supplement products.
Can, OriCell™ Energy Isotonic provides energy, it is recommended to incorporate healthy and active lifestyle. But for the severe patients, you still need consultation from doctor before taking any supplement products.
1-2 sachets recommended per day.
Physically active from 14 years old teen can start consuming this.
OriCell™ Energy Isotonic can be consumed before or / and after workout, or once a day for inactive and the elderly.
Kalafati M, et al. Ergogenic and Antioxidant Effects of Spirulina Supplementation in Humans. Med & Sci in Sports & Ex. 2009 DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181ac7a45
If you are pregnant, lactating or under medication, please consult a physician before taking any nutritional product.